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Aishwarya Shankar, Pharm.D.

Life Coach located in San Jose, CA

Aishwarya Shankar, Pharm.D.

Aishwarya Shankar is a pharmacist by training and an empath by nature. She is a Relationship Navigation and Personal Development Coach who deeply cares about people and has a passion for coaching. She was born in India and moved to the US at the age of 12. For many years after, she experienced culture shock and struggled with the idea of not belonging. Over time the fear of "being different" developed into heightened self-consciousness. After decades of living a life that seemed beyond her control, she reached a point where she was no longer interested in living that way. She felt an urgency to self-prioritize, to draw boundaries, to befriend her mind to let go of the things holding her back. She wanted a different life. So she stopped doing the things she 'should' be doing to do the things she wants to be doing. Circumstances and romantic partners were no longer to blame once she accepted that the change she wanted to see had to begin with her and her only. And just like that, life no longer seemed so scary.

Having learned that human beings are essentially conditioned responses, she began to appreciate the power we hold to reshape ourselves to craft a desired future despite past or present circumstances. Being an empath, her gift is her ability to see beyond what's visible, beyond the obvious. Her mission is to help individuals overcome feelings of helplessness and emotional instability, and to help people take back their power. She is committed to bringing the best tools, techniques and insights to the community, so that people can learn to have meaningful relationships, self-confidence and a fulfilled life.
Aishwarya Shankar, Pharm.D. Life Coach
Aishwarya Shankar is a pharmacist by training and an empath by nature. She is a Relationship Navigation and Personal Development Coach who deeply cares about people and has a passion for coaching. She was born in India and moved to the US at the age of 12. For many years after, she experienced culture shock and struggled with the idea of not belonging. Over time the fear of "being different" developed into heightened self-consciousness. After decades of living a life that seemed beyond her control, she reached a point where she was no longer interested in living that way. She felt an urgency to self-prioritize, to draw boundaries, to befriend her mind to let go of the things holding her back. She wanted a different life. So she stopped doing the things she 'should' be doing to do the things she wants to be doing. Circumstances and romantic partners were no longer to blame once she accepted that the change she wanted to see had to begin with her and her only. And just like that, life no longer seemed so scary.

Having learned that human beings are essentially conditioned responses, she began to appreciate the power we hold to reshape ourselves to craft a desired future despite past or present circumstances. Being an empath, her gift is her ability to see beyond what's visible, beyond the obvious. Her mission is to help individuals overcome feelings of helplessness and emotional instability, and to help people take back their power. She is committed to bringing the best tools, techniques and insights to the community, so that people can learn to have meaningful relationships, self-confidence and a fulfilled life.

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